Tobacco Education Program

No smoking, vaping or chewing signWelcome to Glenn County’s Tobacco Education Program! 

Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of disease in the United States, resulting in over 480,000 deaths per year. It is also a risk factor for four of the five leading causes of death: cardiovascular disease, stroke, lung cancer, and emphysema. Secondhand smoke is the third leading cause of preventable death in the United States, killing 53,000 non-smokers and contributing to 3,400 deaths from lung cancer every year. 


Retailer Resources

Glenn County Tobacco Control Priority Areas:

  • Smoke-free Outdoor Air: The dangers of secondhand smoke are well documented, especially for children and adults with asthma or other chronic illnesses, pregnant women, and the elderly. Secondhand smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals and has also been designated as a known human carcinogen by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). There is no safe level of secondhand smoke exposure. The Tobacco Education Program is committed to educating the public on the impacts of secondhand smoke exposure and helping communities adopt smoke-free outdoor air policies

Link to the full version of the Smokefree Outdoor Public Places Educational Material

Enlace a la versión completa del material educativo sobre Áreas Públicas en Exteriores Libres de Humo.


  • Ordinances

​       Orland Ordinance 2014-04

       Willows Ordinance 724-16

        ​- Smoking is prohibited within twenty (20) feet of any entryway. 

      - Smoking is prohibited in any common area at a shopping mall, playground, recreational area or service area.

      - Smoking is prohibited in and within twenty (20) feet of any building owned, controlled and/or maintained by the city.

      If you are in need of business entryway signage, please contact us. 

  • Reducing Flavored Tobacco Products: Flavored tobacco products are marketed towards youth by creating flavors such as fruit and candy which entices youth and young adults to begin experimenting and using the products. These products contain high levels of nicotine-- derived from tobacco, and are very addictive especially in youth whose brains are still developing- making it easier to hook them to these flavored products. It is vital to reduce/eliminate the accessibility of these products in Glenn County, for our youth and young adults.





Youth Coalition


Students Working Against Tobacco (SWAT): The purpose of SWAT is to promote tobacco free lives through education and advocacy.

  • There are three SWAT subcommittees one at every high school: Hamilton High, Willows High, and Orland High. We meet at least once every month; on occasion more than once depending on coalition activities.
  • Students are able to participate in policy work, conduct surveys, environmental park cleanups, community outreach events, educational presentations, conduct tobacco retailer checks, and attend city or county meetings.

Coalition Newsletters: View all "Tobacco Talk" Newsletters

We welcome new members at any time throughout the academic school year. Check out our social media pages below for more information or check out our meeting calendar below!


Upcoming SWAT Meetings (After School)

Hamilton High School

Room 1

Orland High School

Room 1

Willows High School

Room 303

February 21st 

March 20th 

April 17th


February 8th

March 21st 

April 18th


February 16th 

March 22nd

April 19th



Join SWAT!

 Tobacco Control News & Information:


visit SWAT on facebook


Community Coalition


Community Coalition Engagement: The Tobacco Education Program is proud to engage with GCAP (Glenn County Alliance for Prevention) in their advocacy efforts to protect the lives and health of Glenn County residents from the harmful effects of tobacco and secondhand smoke emissions. The community coalition, GCAP, meets every second Wednesday of every month. Marijuana and Tobacco subcommittee meetings take place at 1:00 PM, and GCAP meetings take place at 2:00 PM in person. Please email or check our social media link below for meeting information.    


Join GCAP!

view GCAP coalition on Facebook


Do you want to quit smoking or vaping? We have many resources to help you quit!


  • Kick It California (formerly CA Smokers' Helpline): You can reach them by calling 1-800-300-8086, text QUIT SMOKING to 66819 or Chat with a quit coach at Kick It CA is staffed by highly trained Quit Coaches that can provide 1 on 1 counseling sessions in 6 different languages, including Spanish. They also offer self-help materials and a referral list of other programs. All of the services offered by Kick It CA are completely FREE, no strings attached!
  • Quit Vaping Service: Kick It CA also offers FREE vaping interventions in multiple languages. To sign up, visit the website or text QUIT VAPING to 66819.


Other Quit Resources:

  • California Youth Advocacy Network (CYAN): They provide apps and resources to quit vaping and using tobacco, such as a digital quit kit.
  • Every Try Counts:This is a website that is dedicated to helping smokers and vapers practice quitting by taking small steps towards recovery, with links to apps and texting services.
  • Smokefree TXT: They provide many different cessation options and targeted interventions for veterans, teens, moms, seniors, Spanish speakers and more. You can visit the website or text QUIT to 47848 to sign up for FREE.