PEOPLE V. JAMES PHILLIP THOMAS - Defendant was convicted of a felony violation of Health and Safety Code section 11377(a), Possession of Methamphetamine as a Registered Sex Offender and violations of probation. Defendant was sentenced to 3 years 4 months prison. This case was prosecuted by DDA Coffey with assistance from retired Glenn County Sheriff's Office Deputy Sheldon. 
PEOPLE V. JULIAN ARTURO MARTINEZ - Defendant was convicted of a felony violation of Penal Code section 451(b), Arson of Inhabited Dwelling. Defendant was sentenced to 828 days jail and 2 years probation. This case was prosecuted by DDA Coffey with assistance from Orland Police Department Officer Andrade and Sergeant Cessna. 
PEOPLE V. JAMES SCOTT BEEGLE - Defendant was convicted of a felony violation of Penal Code section 245(a)(4), Assault with Great Bodily Injury Likely and 273.6, Violation of a Domestic Violence Restraining Order. Defendant was sentenced to 1 year and 9 days jail, 52 week Batterer's Treatment classes, and 3 years of probation. This case was prosecuted by DDA Coffey with assistance from Orland Police Department Sergeant Johnson. 
PEOPLE V. DVONTRIQUE KESHON DAVIDSON- Defendant was convicted of a misdemeanor violation of Vehicle Code section 23152(b), Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol over .08% BAC with a Prior DUI. Defendant was sentenced to 364 days jail concurrent to his current prison commitment. This case was prosecuted by ADA Neumann with assistance from CHP Willows Officer Vasquez. 
PEOPLE V. JOSE ALFREDO MARMOLEJO- Defendant was convicted of a misdemeanor violation of Penal Code section 484/490.2(a), Petty Theft at Pilot, Health and Safety Code sections 11377(a), Possession of Methamphetamine, and 11550(a), Under the Influence of a Controlled Substance. Defendant was sentenced to 240 days jail. This case was prosecuted by ADA Neumann with assistance from Orland Police Department Officers Andrade, Martindale, and Sergeant Johnson, Glenn County Sheriff's Office Deputies Tuma.
PEOPLE V. MISAEL JONATHAN GOMEZ- Defendant was convicted of a felony violation of Penal Code section 664/4573.8, Attempted Smuggling of Drugs and Contraband into Valley View Concentration Camp. Defendant was sentenced to 8 months prison concurrent to his current prison sentence. This case was prosecuted by DA Stewart with assistance from Valley View Concentration Camp Officers Wheeler and Whitford. 
PEOPLE V. ZULEMA MEDINA- Defendant was previously convicted of a felony violation of Penal Code 245(a)(1), Assault with a Deadly Weapon and was found in violation of parole for the 16th time. Defendant was sentenced to 180 days jail and parole was reinstated. This case was prosecuted by ADA Neumann with assistance from Parole Agent Hefner. 
PEOPLE V. ALEXANDER WHITE- Defendant was convicted of a felony violation of Penal Code section 273.5(f)(1), Corporal Injury on Mother of Child with a Prior DV Conviction, misdemeanor violation of Penal Code section 243(e)(1), Domestic Battery, two violations of misdemeanor probation for DUI and Child EndangermentDefendant was sentenced to 150 days jail, 52 week Batterer's Treatment Program, and 3 years probation. This case was prosecuted by DA Stewart with assistance from Glenn County Sheriff's Office Deputy Chavez.
PEOPLE V. BRITTANY GLASS- Defendant was convicted of a felony violation of Penal Code section 487(a), Grand Theft. Defendant was sentenced to 120 days jail, drug court, and 2 years probation. This case was prosecuted by DA Stewart with assistance from Glenn County Sheriff's Office Deputies Lemmon and Huichapan. 
PEOPLE V. TONY ALEXANDER RANGEL - Defendant was convicted of a felony violation of Penal Code section 245(a)(1), Assault with a Deadly Weapon, a bat. Defendant was sentenced to 120 days jail and 2 years of probation. This case was prosecuted by DA Stewart with assistance from Orland Police Department Officers Flores and Andrade.
PEOPLE V. ANTHONY RYAN ROWLAND - Defendant was convicted of a felony violation of Penal Code section 273.5, Corporal Injury on a Cohabitant.  Defendant was sentenced to 120 days jail, 52 week Batterer's Treatment classes, and 3 years of probation. This case was prosecuted by DA Stewart with assistance from Glenn County Sheriff's Office Deputy Sanzone.
PEOPLE V. JAVIER RUBEN MARTINEZ - Defendant was convicted of a felony violation of Penal Code section 422, Criminal Threats.  Defendant was sentenced to 110 days jail and 2 years of probation. This case was prosecuted by DDA Coffey with assistance from Glenn County Sheriff's Office Deputy Turner. 
PEOPLE V. ANDY SAECHAO- Defendant was convicted of a felony violation of Penal Code section 422, Criminal Threats. Defendant was sentenced to 140 days with 40 days jail stayed, drug court, and 2 years probation. This case was prosecuted by DDA Coffey with assistance from Glenn County Sheriff's Office Deputy Lemmon. 
PEOPLE V. RILEY JAMES DOCK - Defendant was convicted of a felony violation of Penal Code section 273.5(a), Corporal Injury. Defendant was sentenced to 180 days jail with 104 days suspended upon successful completion of probation. This case was prosecuted by DDA Coffey with assistance from Glenn County Sheriff's Office Deputy Ayres. 
PEOPLE V. JASON RAYMOND HERR- Defendant was previously convicted of a misdemeanor violation of Penal Code section 273.6(a), Violation of a Criminal Protective Order and was found in violation of probation for the 1st time. Defendant was sentenced to 60 days jail and probation was reinstated. This case was prosecuted by DDA Coffey with assistance from Glenn County Probation Officer Permann. 
PEOPLE V. VANESSA AVALOS- Defendant was previously convicted of felony violations of Welfare Fraud and was found in violation for the 3rd time. Defendant was sentenced to 60 days jail and probation was reinstated. This case was prosecuted by DDA Coffey with assistance from Glenn County Probation Officer Teague. 

PEOPLE V. MICHAEL PEREZ- Defendant was previously convicted of a felony violation of Penal Code 69, Force or Violence on a Police Officer was found in violation for the 2nd time. Defendant was sentenced to 60 days jail and probation was reinstated. This case was prosecuted by DDA Coffey with assistance from Glenn County Probation Officer Van Eck.

PEOPLE V. CURTIS CAROL HART- Defendant was convicted of a misdemeanor violation of Health and Safety Code section 11364(a), Possession of Methamphetamine Pipe. Defendant was sentenced to 30 days jail. This case was prosecuted by DA Stewart with assistance from Orland Police Department Officer Martindale.