The Public Administrator, Public Guardian, Public Conservator office is a team of professional, compassionate, conservators who have specialized training & a combined 20+ years of direct, first-hand experience. We promise to always advocate for our clients and we will always strive to meet the fiduciary, ethical, and functional duties expected of us to continually provide the highest quality of service to the County of Glenn and our most vulnerable adult population.
The Public Administrator (PA) handles the disposition of deceased estates. The PA serves Glenn County by investigating and administering the estates of persons who die with no will or without an appropriate person willing or able to act as administrator. The PA has a duty to protect the decedent's property from waste, loss, or theft; make appropriate burial agreements; conduct thorough investigations to discover all assets; liquidates assets or distribute to heirs; pay bills and taxes; locate persons entitled to inherit from the estate.
The Public Guardian serves as Conservator, after appointment by the Court, of persons who require a conservator and for whom there is no person or corporation qualified and willing to act in such capacity.