It is the goal of the Glenn County Sheriff’s Office Civil Unit to serve all received process in a reasonable and timely manner. We strive to accomplish this while, at all times, maintaining an impartial stance between all parties involved or having an interest in a case.
The Civil Unit serves Civil process as prescribed by law. Civil process includes summons and complaints, small claims documents for a civil lawsuit, restraining orders, bench warrants and any other notice or order from the courts. We also levy on wages, bank accounts, vehicles or any asset of the judgment debtor. All documents must include a letter of instructions to the Sheriff and a fee for service.
The Civil Unit is composed of two sections, clerical and field. The clerical section is responsible for taking in documents and processing them so that they can be put in the field for service. They are also responsible for processing the money received on levies and paying those funds to the proper person. The field section is responsible for serving the documents. There are both sworn and non-sworn employees in the field section. The non-sworn employees, process servers, serve summons, subpoenas, wage and bank levies and any other documents not required, by law, to be served by a sworn officer. The deputies serve bench warrants, restraining orders, evictions, and handle major levies and sales for real and personal property.