As a division of the Assessor/Clerk-Recorder/Elections Office, we conduct elections for schools, cities and districts as well as County, State and Federal elections. We are also entrusted with the custody of records.
Como una división de la oficina de Evaluadores/Secretarios/Elecciones, llevamos a cabo elecciones para escuelas, ciudades y distritos, así como elecciones municipales, estatales y federales. También se nos ha confíado la custodia de los registros.
Next Scheduled Local Elections/Próximas Elecciones Locales
Tuesday, March 5, 2024 - Presidential Primary Election
Martes, 5 de marzo del 2024- Elecciones primarias presidenciales
List of Local Candidates on Ballot
Lista de candidatos locales en boleta !
How to Vote for President: No Party Preference/No Party
Your vote-by-mail ballot will not have presidential candidates on it. As a voter who declined to provide a political party preference, you are considered a “No Party Preference (NPP)” voter, and your ballot will not have presidential candidates on it. If you want to vote for US President, you must request a ballot with presidential candidates from one of the following parties:
American Independent Party
Democratic Party
Libertarian Party
You can request a replacement ballot with presidential candidates from our office by submitting a No Party Preference Cross-over Ballot Notice and Application (PDF) to our office or by:
Phone at (530) 943-6414
Fax at (530) 934-6571
Other electronic means
No Party Preference Cross-over Ballot Notice and Application (PDF)
Aviso y Solicitud para una Boleta Electoral de Votación Cruzada Sin Preferencia de Partido (PDF)
For more information regarding parties, and questions about Presidential Primaries, please visit the Secretary of State’s page:
How to Vote for U.S. President :: California Secretary of State
For more information, contact the County Clerk/Elections Department
Para más información, comuníquese con el Secretario Del Condado/Departamento de Elecciones al (530) 934-6414.
Click here to check your Voter Status
Verificar mi estado de elector
Trust That Your Vote Counts! Track the status of your mail-in ballot, from printed to accepted.
Tenga la confianza de que su voto cuente! Siga el estado de su boleta por correo, desde que se imprime hasta que se acepta.
Register to Vote/Registrarse para votar:
You must be a registered voter at least 15 days prior to Election Day in order to be eligible to vote in an election. Remember to re-register whenever you move, change your name, political party affiliation or mailing address. Voter registration forms are available from the County Clerk/Elections Department, or online at the Secretary of State website.
Usted debe ser un votante registrado por lo menos 15 días antes del dia de las elecciones con el fin de ser elegible para votar en un elección. Recuerde volver a registrarse si mueve, cambia su nombre, cambia su afiliación a un partido político o dirección de envio. Los formularios de inscripción para votantes están disponibles en el Departamento de Elecciones del Condado o en línea en el sitio web Del Secretario de Estado.
Glenn County Voter Registration/Registro del Votante del Condado de Glenn
Party/Partido |
Voters/Votantes |
Democratic/Democrático |
3683 |
Republican/Republicano |
6305 |
American Independent/ Americano Independiente |
631 |
Green/Verde |
41 |
Libertarian/Libertario |
173 |
Peace and Freedom/Paz y Liberdad |
73 |
Miscellaneous/Diverso |
74 |
No Party Preference/Ninguna Preferencia de Partido |
2356 |
Total |
13336 |
Have you lost your home or access to your mail due to the California wildfires? You may utilize the links below to check the wildfire's impact on the United States Postal Service operations.
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