Meeting Information

Meetings are held the fourth Thursday of the month (September, October, January, February, March, April, May) at 9:30 a.m. at the GCOE Building conference room in Willows

photo of three girls in matching dresses


  1. Agendas will be sent to all members at least five (5) working days prior to all regular meetings.
  2. Additions to any agenda must be approved by the committee prior to new business being discussed.


  1. Minutes will be recorded by the assigned designee.
  2. Minutes will be completed within five (5) working days of each meeting.
  3. Chairperson will approve meeting minutes within ten (10) working days of each meeting.
  4. CICC Coordinator will distribute meeting minutes within five (5) working days of their approval by Chairperson.
  5. Minutes will be approved by the CICC at each subsequent meeting.

Conduct of Meetings

  1. CICC will meet on a five times during the fiscal year and be convened by the Chairperson.
  2. CICC will meet at a location within the county.
  3. The time, date, and location of the meeting will be determined prior to the conclusion of each preceding meeting.
  4. Members will participate at CICC in a fashion that is respectful and consistent with the governing policies and procedures of each person's reporting entity.
  5. All information is advisory and considered public. Public comment will be accepted at each meeting, allowing brief discussion not to exceed 20 minutes.
  6. Executive Council will meet quarterly, as necessary.


  1. A quorum must be present for CICC to conduct business.
  2. A quorum is considered a majority of members, at a minimum of seven, excluding positions that are not filled.
  3. Affirmative votes must be a majority when the CICC is making decisions.