Glenn County to Test CodeRED Emergency Notification System 11/16/17

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Glenn County to Test CodeRED Emergency Notification System

Glenn County Sheriff’s Office will be testing the new CodeRED emergency notification system the morning of Thursday, November 16th, 2017. This alert will be sent out to anyone who has registered their contact information in CodeRED Glenn County, as well as all traditional landline phones. The alert may be received in all registered forms including, phone, text, email, and through the CodeRED app. This is only a drill to test the functionality of the system and is not an actual emergency.

Glenn County residents and businesses are encouraged to register their contact information in CodeRed’s secure database to ensure they receive emergency alerts. Traditional landline phone numbers are uploaded into the system, however, unlisted numbers, VoIP, and cellular phones must be self-registered.

Residents and businesses can enroll in CodeRED Glenn County by going to the Glenn County Sheriff’s Office website: and click the CodeRED Emergency Notification Enrollment link on the right side of the page. For residents without internet access or who need assistance with enrollment, contact CodeRED customer service Monday through Friday at (866)939-0911. A mobile phone app is also available for download for free in your mobile app store, search CodeRED Mobile Alert or go to our website.

For more information, contact the Glenn County Sheriff’s Office at 934-6441, visit our website: and select Sheriff, or access us on Facebook at . CodeRED is an OnSolve communication solution. For more information on the OnSolve company go to