
Horseback Riding & Children

Size, physical development, dexterity, strength, level of maturity and attitude of the person are among factors that ought to be considered, as well as age, before someone is allowed to mount a horse.

How to Prevent Poisonings in Your Home

Help prevent accidental poisonings by being aware of potential hazards and observing these National Safety Council poison prevention tips.

Lead Poisoning

Lead is a highly toxic substance, exposure to which can produce a wide range of adverse health effects. Both adults and children can suffer from the effects of lead poisoning, but childhood lead poisoning is much more frequent.

Pedestrian Safety

Approximately 5,900 pedestrians are killed by automobiles every year... 85,000 suffer nonfatal injuries. Almost one-quarter of these victims are children under the age of 15 yet they represent only about 20% of the U.S. population. By following the few safety tips listed below, you can protect yourself and your children.


Pesticides are potential hazards in many buildings because they are widely used to reduce many household pests, including those associated with indoor plants, pets, and wood and woolen products, and because they are tracked in from the outdoors.

Playground Safety

Each year more than 200,000 children visit hospital emergency rooms because of playground injuries. Many playground injuries can be prevented. Use this guide to examine your children's playground so that they can run, jump, swing and slide to their heart's content—safely.