
Child Abuse Treatment (CHAT) Therapeutic Counseling Intake Form

Citizen Complaint Form - Probation Department

Colusa Subbasin Project & Management Actions (2022)

The purpose of this form is to gather ideas for potential projects and management actions (PMAs) that could be evaluated and possibly be included in the Colusa Subbasin GSP. The initial Colusa Subbasin GSP was submitted in January 2022 and contains PMAs that were submitted during the GSP development process. Now that the GSP has been submitted and we are looking toward implementation, the GSAs have re-opened the PMA Submittal Form to collect additional suggestions and ideas to help the Colusa Subbasin reach and maintain sustainability.  It is important to recognize the GSP is a living document and must be adaptive. 

Potential PMAs may fall under several categories, including but not limited to the following:

  • Recharge projects
  • Supply augmentation projects
  • Water conservation projects
  • Projects to reduce non-beneficial consumptive use
  • Groundwater pumping allocations
  • Monitoring programs (groundwater pumping, water levels, stream flows, etc.)

An online version of this form can be accessed at or use the QR code below.  This is the preferred submittal method.

PMA form QR code

Please share YOUR ideas by completing and submitting a PMA Submittal Form.  Submittals are due September  8, 2022 at 11:59 pm. To submit:

Email to:
Mail to:

Glenn Groundwater Authority

ATTN: Lisa Hunter

225 N. Tehama St.

Willows, CA 95988


Colusa Subbasin Projects & Management Actions (2020)

Colusa Subbasin GSP Projects and Management Actions (PMAs) Submittal Form

The purpose of this form is to gather ideas for potential projects and management actions (PMAs) that could be evaluated and ultimately included in the Colusa Subbasin GSP. Once ideas are gathered, an initial screening and evaluation process will be conducted, followed by ranking of potential PMAs for more detailed evaluation and inclusion in the initial GSP. Potential PMAs may fall under several categories, including but not limited to the following:
Recharge projects
Supply augmentation projects
Water conservation projects
Projects to reduce non-beneficial consumptive use
Groundwater pumping allocations
Monitoring programs (groundwater pumping, water levels, stream flows, etc.)

Please share YOUR ideas by completing and submitting a PMA Submittal Form.  Submittals are due May 3, 2021 at 5:00 pm. To submit:

Email to:
Mail to:

Glenn Groundwater Authority

ATTN: Lisa Hunter

225 N. Tehama St.

Willows, CA 95988


Coordination of Benefits While on a Leave Form

County Clerk-Recorder Schedule of Fees

Effective January 1, 2022

Credit Card Authorization Application

EFFECTIVE 4-26-2019