Glenn Groundwater Authority
The Glenn Groundwater Authority was created by forming a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement, signed by nine local agencies, with the purposes of being a Groundwater Sustainability Agency for the Glenn County portion of the Colusa Subbasin. A tenth member joined the Glenn Groundwater Authority October 14, 2019.
Glenn Groundwater Authority Member Agencies include:
- City of Orland
- City of Willows
- County of Glenn
- Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District
- Glide Water District
- Kanawha Water District
- Monroeville Water District
- Orland-Artois Water District
- Princeton-Codora-Glenn Irrigation District
- Provident Irrigation District
The notice declaring the Glenn Groundwater Authority’s decision to become a Groundwater Sustainability Agency and its intent to manage groundwater within the Glenn County portion of the Colusa Subbasin submitted to the Department of Water Resources (DWR) can be found on the DWR SGMA Portal at:
A copy of the Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) and resolutions from each member agency can also be found on the DWR SGMA Portal.
Board Meetings are open to the public. See the GGA Meetings page for more information.
List of Directors and Alternates
County of Glenn | Grant Carmon | Tom Arnold |
City of Orland | Bruce Roundy | Pete Carr; Ed Vonasek (2nd Alternate) |
City of Willows | Gary Hansen (23/24 Chair) | Cal Water- Tavis Beynon |
Glide Water District | Matt Deadmond | Vacant |
Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District | John Amaro (23/24 Vice-Chair) | Vacant |
Orland-Artois Water District | Chuck Schonauer | Emil Cavagnolo |
Kanawha Water District | Randy Hansen | Wade Danley |
Monroeville Water District | Mark Lohse | Seth Fiack |
Princeton-Codora-Glenn Irrigation District & Provident Irrigation District | Gary Enos |
Jered Shipley |
For questions, comments, or to sign up to be on the interested parties list, please contact the GGA Program Manager:
Lisa Hunter
225 N Tehama St., Willows, CA 95988
(530) 934-6540
Social Media for Colusa Subbasin SGMA
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