Glenn Groundwater Authority Technical Advisory Committee Meeting- October 16, 2020
The following is the Zoom access information for the Joint CGA/GGA TAC Meeting.
PLEASE NOTE: For increased meeting security protections,
All attendees will be placed into a Zoom Waiting Room at the start of the meeting. The meeting facilitator and/or technical staff will admit participants as they appear in the waiting room. To the extent possible and to minimize uncertainty of who participants in the Waiting Room are, participants are encouraged to enter their name when they enter Zoom so the meeting facilitation staff and GSA coordinators can confirm meeting participants.
Also, as with all recent Joint TAC meetings, for memorialization purposes, this meeting will be recorded and participants will be required to agree to that in order to participate. Participants will be prompted at the start of the meeting to agree to this.
Given the quickly changing circumstances, in order to comply with social distancing recommendations, remote participation is highly encouraged. I regret any frustration this may cause for individuals that would like to participate in person. Please know, we will do all we can to incorporate public input during this process including participation by phone, chat via the web service, and email. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we test our ability to provide services and continue decision making processes remotely.
General Conference Call Etiquette
Anyone having trouble should contact staff via email ( or send a message via chat box
Mute your phones when not speaking (do not put on hold)
The organizer may mute all participants until they have been acknowledged by the Chairperson or staff
Only use one audio option (phone or computer, not both)
Pursuant to Governor Newsom's Executive Order N-29-20, this meeting will be conducted by teleconference ONLY. Remote participation is highly encouraged. I regret any frustration this may cause for individuals that would like to participate in person. Please know, we will do all we can to incorporate public input during this process including participation by phone, chat via the web service, and email. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we test our ability to provide services and continue decision making processes remotely.
General Conference Call Etiquette
Anyone having trouble should contact staff via email ( or send a message via chat box
Mute your phones when not speaking (do not put on hold)
The organizer may mute all participants until they have been acknowledged by the Chairperson or staff
Only use one audio option (phone or computer, not both)
Glenn Groundwater Authority Meeting- April 13, 2020
Due to safety concerns and directives from the Governor and Federal Government related to COVID-19,
This meeting will be held remotely ONLY.
Join Zoom Meeting
SEE AGENDA FOR TIPS AND HINTS DOCUMENT (Select computer OR phone audio as preferred) If using Phone Audio, Use Either One Tap Mobile (if available): +16699006833,,765414632# Or
Manually dial: 1-669-900- 6833
Meeting ID: 765 414 632 #
NOTE: The Zoom Online meeting will be opened at 12:30 to give participants time to log on and create your set up before the meeting starts.
Given the quickly changing circumstances, in order to comply with the Shelter in Place order issued by Governor Newsom and social distancing recommendations, this meeting will not allow in person participation. Remote participation is highly encouraged. I regret any frustration this may cause for individuals that would like to participate in person. Please know, we will do all we can to incorporate public input during this process including participation by phone, chat via the web service, and email. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we test our ability to provide services and continue decision making processes remotely.
General Conference Call Etiquette
Anyone having trouble should contact staff via email ( or send a message via chat box
Mute your phones when not speaking (do not put on hold)
The organizer may mute all participants until they have been acknowledged by the Chairperson or staff
Only use one audio option (phone or computer, not both)
Given the quickly changing circumstances, in order to comply with the Shelter in Place order issued by Governor Newsom and social distancing recommendations, remote participation is highly encouraged. I regret any frustration this may cause for individuals that would like to participate in person. Please know, we will do all we can to incorporate public input during this process including participation by phone, chat via the web service, and email. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we test our ability to provide services and continue decision making processes remotely.
General Conference Call Etiquette
Anyone having trouble should contact staff via email ( or send a message via chat box
Mute your phones when not speaking (do not put on hold)
The organizer may mute all participants until they have been acknowledged by the Chairperson or staff
Only use one audio option (phone or computer, not both)
Given the quickly changing circumstances, in order to comply with the Shelter in Place order issued by Governor Newsom and social distancing recommendations, remote participation is highly encouraged. I regret any frustration this may cause for individuals that would like to participate in person. Please know, we will do all we can to incorporate public input during this process including participation by phone, chat via the web service, and email. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we test our ability to provide services and continue decision making processes remotely.
General Conference Call Etiquette
Anyone having trouble should contact staff via email ( or send a message via chat box
Mute your phones when not speaking (do not put on hold)
The organizer may mute all participants until they have been acknowledged by the Chairperson or staff
Only use one audio option (phone or computer, not both)
Two versions of the meeting are included. Version 1 includes all attachments. Version 2 excludes the majority of Appendix B: GGA 2019 Operations Fee Roll of the Fee Study. The complete document is included in agenda packet version 1 or can be downloaded separately on the GGA Information page.