Recreational Health Program
In the Recreational Health Program we are responsible for the enforcement of laws and regulations regarding public swimming pools, spas, wading pools and special purpose pools.
We conduct routine and follow up inspections, investigate public complaints and review and approve public pool plans for compliance with state laws and regulations. The purpose of the program is to insure the safe and sanitary operation of public swimming facilities, as well as to prevent the possible transmission of disease and illness. By monitoring the quality of recreational waters, we can keep the public informed if these waters pose a threat to public health.
Accidents in public pools or spas that involve fecal materials, dead animals or other biological contaminants can lead to the transmission of serious, even life threatening illnesses. In the event of an accident, precautionary measures should be taken immediately to help reduce the risk to recreational facility users.
Codes and Regulations
CAEHA - Public Swimming Pools And Spas, Codes and Regulations
Applications and Forms
Pool and Spa Permit Application
Pool and Spa Plan Check Request Form
RWI and Fecal Accident Report Form
Anti-Entrapment Devices and Systems for Public Pools and Spas
California Assembly Bill 1020 (2009) adds Sections 116064.1 and 116064.2 to the California Health and Safety Code. These sections incorporate provisions of the federal Virginia Graeme Baker (VGB) Pool and Spa Safety Act into California state law with the intent of preventing suction entrapments and drownings. This law went into effect on January 1, 2010.
This form is to be used to verify compliance and must be submitted to the Glenn County Environmental Health Department.
Recreational Health Informational Links
California Department of Public Health - CDPH
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - CDC
Model Aquatic Health Code - Informational