Edible Food Recovery Program

In the edible food recovery program we are responsible for meeting certain requirements of the SB 1383 regulations - Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCP).  

We conduct routine inspections, check records and provide education and outreach for commercial edible food generators, recovery organizations, recovery services and solid waste operations. The purpose of the program is to reduce food waste and address food insecurity. Surplus food that is still safe for people to eat will instead go to food banks, soup kitchens, and other food recovery organizations and services to help feed Californians in need.

Californians send 11.2 billion pounds of food to landfills each year, some of which was still fresh enough to have been recovered to feed people in need. While billions of meals go to waste, millions of Californians don’t have enough to eat. SB 1383 requires that by 2025 California will recover 20 percent of the edible food that would otherwise be sent to landfills, to feed people in need. This will help save landfill space and lower methane emissions, a climate super pollutant, emitted by organic waste in landfills.

Education and Outreach Information

CalRecycle - Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Strategy

Glenn County - Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCP): Organics Waste Reductions

Glenn County - SB 1383 SLCP Flyer

Edible Food Facility Lists

Edible Food Recovery Services and Organizations

Organization Name


Contact Name

Contact Phone Number

Feeding America (Contra Costa Solano Food)

4010 Nelson Avenue, Concord, Ca 94520

Holly Neu


Orland Pantry

(Lutheran Church Hall)

19 Colusa Street,

Orland Ca 95963



Orland Senior Nutrition

19 Walker Street, Orland Ca 95963

Anthony Van Natta



Willows Food Bank

(Willows Seventh Day Adventist Church)

543 West First Avenue, Willows Ca 95988

Carol Campbell Arlene Yankee and Bessie Mikeworth



Willows Senior Nutrition

556 E. Sycamore Street, Willows Ca 95988

Anthony Van Natta

