It is the desire of the people of Glenn County that sufficient and affordable water of good quality be available on a sustainable basis to meet the needs of agricultural, industrial, recreational, environmental, residential, and municipal users within the county, both now and in the future.
What's new with Glenn County Water
Glenn County SGMA Governance Working Group Meetings:
Please see the Water Resources page for more information.
Public Informational Meetings were held in February and March of 2015
The Glenn County Water Advisory Committee, the UC Cooperative Extension, and the Glenn County Farm Bureau sponsored an educational forum dedicated to Glenn County groundwater. Meetings with the same format were held in three locations throughout the county over a three week period. The materials from the meetings can be found here.
Drought Information
- If you are experiencing problems with your groundwater well, please help us understand your issue by filling out a Report of Abnormal Groundwater Level form.
- California Drought
Revised Groundwater Ordinance
Ordinance 1237 Amending County Code, Chapter 20.03, Groundwater Management to Groundwater Coordinated Resource Management Plan, was introduced on July 31, 2012, at the regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors and was adopted August 7, 2012. Materials from this meeting.
Northern Sacramento Valley Integrated Regional Water Management (NSVIRM)
Glenn County is part of a six county group that has been accepted for Prop 84, which funds a planning grant based on Regional Water Management. For more information check out the NSVIRM website.
Glenn County Groundwater Reliability and Recharge Pilot Project
The Glenn County Department of Agriculture was awarded a DWR grant in the amount of $250,000 for a study to determine the feasibility of groundwater recharge in the northeastern portion of the County, otherwise known as Groundwater Management Sub-Area 8, East Corning Basin.
- Outreach Plan, Background, Schedule, & State Water Resources Control Board Approval
- Newsletters
- Landowner Monitoring Guide
- Final Report
California Statewide Groundwater Elevation Monitoring (CASGEM)
CASGEM was enacted by the state legislature in November 2009. Glenn County staff has submitted a notification and monitoring plan for the areas encompassed by the County border. County staff will work with Districts and others to collect groundwater elevations as required by this new legislation. For more information about CASGEM, please visit California Department of Water Resources.
News & Announcements
Glenn County Groundwater Update - November 16, 2010
The semi-annual (fall) groundwater level measurements for Glenn County taken by the California Department of Water Resources, Northern District (DWR) were completed during the week of October 18, 2010 and presented to the Glenn County Water Advisory Committee at their November 10, 2010 meeting.
Groundwater Conditions in Orland/Artois Area - Presentation
Submit Regional Acceptance Process to the Department of Water Resources
Glenn County Water/Groundwater Update - August 21, 2007