E-Mail Address  
Primary Contact Name Rodney Pozzi, Fire Chief
Address P.O. Box 158, Artois 95913
Description Fire Protection
Authority Health & Safety Code, Section 13844 et seq-Commission has authority, powers & duties relating to business of Artois Fire Protection District per Res 91-178
Appointing Power Board of Supervisors
Qualification Must reside and be a registered voter in District
Term Serves at the Please of the Board
Oath Required Yes
Bond None
Compensation None
Contact Person Rodney Pozzi
P.O. Box 158
Artois, CA 95913
Committee Roster


Daren Dalrymple (Term 6/18/2019 - Pleasure of the Board)
Jack Frederick Cavier (Term 6/18/2019 - Pleasure of the Board)
Mark Rakestraw (Term 1/19/2021 - Pleasure of the Board)
Robert Arendt (Term 9/18/2012 - Pleasure of the Board)
Roy Seiler (Term 10/16/2007 - Pleasure of the Board)